Earlier today PlayStation updated their twitter with the following statement.
The Next GamePass: This announcement comes just a couple of days after the release of the upgraded service, PS Plus Premium, and a lot of speculation has been going around about whether or not the service is aiming to be like Xbox's Gamepass, or something new entirely. Players took to twitter today to voice their disagreement or indifference towards the company in regard to the technical issues they were having. A lot of people think they are bluffing and trying to save face with the tweet while others think it is what PlayStation says it is, a technical error.
While Sony was quick to fix the issue fans were still a mixture of displeased and patting Sony on the back for their valiant efforts, some going as far to compare the company to Xbox and bring up the fact that PlayStation was quicker to give an answer to their audience regarding this than Xbox was about the outage that left players unable to game for a weekend. With a lot of turbulence in the community, and a lot of questions still unanswered we know that the release of PS Premium is only a month or so away from coming to the states and we have to ask ourselves, will the same sort of thing happen where players will be charged more than agreed upon when signing up to the service? Even Though, according to PlayStation was a mistake people will have that in the back of their minds now. Another thing to note, Will there be enough games that everyone with enjoy playing since this is the closest PlayStation has gotten to backwards compatibility.
A Controller at The End of The Rainbow:
With everything said and done, PlayStation has the potential to make major moves in this market, and just by the reaction today alone it means that because care enough to want them to do well. (A lot of people just want it on their own terms too, which is another thing entirely.) This service could compete with Xbox's GamePass, it could be the very thing missing from every gamer's life, but there is a problem. While this all seems amazing (bugs and issues excluded,) we run into the trouble of formatting. When PS Plus reaches the states, it will be the PAL version, or the NTSC version. If Sony decides to stick with using PAL instead of NTSC, there are some potential issues that could bubble up. Hopefully, everyone can choose their respective settings, and all will be well, but its in the hands of the tech gods now, and PlayStation.
Is it finally, Equal? This is something that the gaming community has wanted for a very long time. GamePass has some competition, if Silent Hill and other classic PS1 games are announced then they won, a company that believed in exclusivities, are finally turning around? Say it isn't so! With putting Death Stranding, God of War, and Horizon Zero Dawn amongst other titles on PC, it was only a matter of time before Sony knew that gaming shouldn't exclude, but include.