We've all heard it multiple times, "the Resident Evil movies were nothing like the Resident Evil games" which is true, but maybe there is something that was translated from the games into the movies that actually makes sense. Now, dont get me wrong, the Resident Evil films were very good on their own right. They were more focus on the action rather than brilliant writing, and in my eyes the whole franchise is an embarrassment, and disservice to the games that have a story spanning over twenty years and the fans that have been a part of it. But that's besides the point. The movies are filled with holes in the plot line, inconsistencies and a character that was never in the games to begin with.
It all comes from somewhere
When all else fails add a a new character right? Even if it didn't have a role in the story to begin with? That is exactly what happened in the Resident Evil movie franchise. What allot of people don't know or realize is that Alice is loosely based off of an already existing character in the Resident Evil universe, Lisa Trevor. Now this is my own theory, and trust me I did my digging before writing this piece, but I strongly believe that the writer of the script (Paul W. S. Anderson) based Alice loosely off of Lisa Trevor, and when I say loosely I mean loosely. In a story there are characters that make you feel sorry for them, that shows the evil behind whatever it may be that is corrupt. Lisa shows the evil behind the corporation that is Umbrella, she is in no way a protagonist but she is, to an extent a whilstleblower that shows the true corrupt nature of the Umbrella corporation. Now, the reason I call her a whistle blower is because we have note, after note after note that shows how her and her mother were treated in the laboratories.
A Strong Correlation
In the movies Alice is portrayed as a strong heroine that defeats monsters that may endanger her or her comrades. she worked for the umbrella corporation and was looking to leak out all the information to the public about what illegal activities where going on in the laboratory. during the movie we find out that Alice is infected with the t virus and variations of it, she has super human strength and is for all intents and purposes immortal. Now, let's look at Lisa Trevor. She was born in 1953, On November 10, 1967, Lisa was administered the "B-Type" variation of the Progenitor virus. Lisa began to exhibit signs of mutation, She was then a test subject for many many years and was able to absorb the viruses administrated to her into her DNA, and played a huge role in the creation of the G-Virus.
The Similarities
Both Alice and Lisa are immortal, they were both experimented on and given variations of the T-Virus that changed them on astronomical levels. Both of them bonded with the T-Virus and its variations, and both of them were kidnapped so research could be preformed on them for further bio-weapon expansions and development. While this next section i will be diving into is a stretch please keep in mind that this is a loosely based assumption and that it is not meant to be taken as a fact.
Going further into my hypothesis.
Lisa Trevor had allot more to give in the resident evil universe. she was a test subject that spent years and years being the unperfected beast of umbrellas twisted design. the same with Alice, she was a creation that was once human now manipulated by umbrellas need to create a more powerful bio weapon. if given the chance i strongly think that Lisa could have been a strong female character in the game instead of just a character showing the cruelties of umbrella.
so let me know what you all think, are Alice and Lisa Trevor similar? or do you think i am blowing things out of proportion ?