The DLC for Bloodborne and the Old Hunters creates a journey for the player to overcome and challenge oneself with. With boss battles including but not limited to Ludwig, Lady Maria and Orphan of Kos. Bloodborne and The Old Hunters dives into the deepest part of the mind and creates an ease that’s met with some discomfort and insanity.
Eyes To See:
The Old Hunters continues the story of Bloodborne in an organic and meaningful way to the player that adds to the story of Bloodborne, creating an unnerving sense of suspension, sadness and “this is it moment” type feeling because this means the game is fully done. Unless the player intends on platnuming the game, then there may be more that will need to be done, (pthumerian chambers, Moon Prescence etc)
this DLC gives the player some decent challenges and some rather easy encounters to balance out the scales. Living disappointments, better known as what they were named Living Failures is by far one of the easiest bosses, subjectively speaking but can also be the most deceptively difficult one if not properly handled with. Lawrence The First Vicar is the only one I havent faught yet, so i dont know if he is easy or hard, but after fighting Oprphan of Kos, anything is a cake walk. I would highly recommend not taking him on until you’ve completed the DLC, your skill level and HP level will be higher.
The End of a Dream:
Bloodborne is really one of those games that will challenge you as a player and grip you from the start. It's something to behold since it’s one of the only games that’s lore is gripping, its game play is a challenge but is rewarding, and is a game that ages INCREDIBLY well. If there is a second game, I predict there to be a continuation the nightmare, but the Hunters Dream is in shambles and basically none-existent since we all know about the illusion now. It's hard creating rose-colored glasses when the subject knows that they’re being tricked.
The melancholic feeling that comes with finishing the DLC and this game as a whole is truly a rewarding experience. The fights, the thoughts that ran through my head of “I might not be able to do this” or “no I need to keep going” it’s a constant battle between ego, curiosity and will. Playing through this DLC is one of, if not the most challenging expansions of a game I have ever played. I beat Isshin Sword Saint and I thought that guy was difficult. Bloodborne created a new type of gamer, one that not only loves the story but the hard work to their end goal and care for who they are because if you aren’t at your best, you can’t properly beat a boss at this game. Bloodborne players prioritize self-care, community care, and finding their worth in the waking world.