Intro: Telling me a game is good because you like it is like saying everyone should have kids because it’s responsible. Realistically, the love of a game is a personal thing, it's not something that anyone can take away from you and it’s a love that will not be felt by everyone who has played that game. It’s just like falling in love; it can blind us to what the realty truly is. With the new Pokémon game that just came out, it begs the question if the game is good or if it's just the nostalgia? It's Shocking, I know: Pokémon is a loved franchise, as someone who collected up to the second generation, I love how diverse and unique the characters are. The game coming out recently is nothing what I knew of Pokémon. Maybe I’m an old cynic who loved Pokémon when it felt genuine to the craft. Maybe I just loved that it used to mean something. As of right now Game Freak as a company isn’t putting out anything of value for the player. It's a wash, rinse and repeat tactic, and with a company that is valued at over 92 billion U.S dollars I wonder why the same types of games are being put out if Pokémon as a whole in this industry not only has the cash flow, the capital but the fans who are loyal enough to see the company through their mistakes and successes. A Harsh Reality: Let’s be honest, if Pokémon were an indie company now a days it would be ripped to shreds with the types of content it is coming out with now. The same type of game, just different types of characters. In each game you’re catching Pokémon, researching, exploring vast territories or fighting against different gyms and maybe, if that’s all Game Freak can do and measure up to in terms of diversity in game play then that’s fine, but there is a lack of transparency where I feel like Game Freak hype their own products up and then when it comes out, they don’t deliver in the way some had hoped for. Some, feel quite the opposite and they will eat up the franchise as if they’ve never played a Pokémon game before. But to me, every game, every release, every concept is exactly the same. The only diverse thing that Pokémon accomplished was the release of Pokémon GO, and Re-master of Brilliant Diamond and Shinning Pearl. There were even some elements of Sword and Shield that were enjoyable but overall, the games have become trite as the popularity rose over the years. "Reality can really bum you out..." - Ash Ketchum. The reality is, Game Freak is a company that puts games out because they want to make the fans happy. The fans eat it up because of the fact that it is Pokémon, and the fact that nostalgia is a hell of drug that turns people into product buying zombies. A lot of people don’t think before they buy, so what happens? You have this blind faith in a company when at times they might not deserve it. Think before you buy. Think before you blindly trust a company that may or may not have your best interest at heart.