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Writer's pictureArielle Danan

Something Wicked this way comes: Dark Pictures Little Hope Review

Intro: Dark Pictures Anthologies: Little Hope is a third person interactive horror game that continues the first season of the bold and scary campfire stories in an immersive and shocking manner. This installment creates several points of immersion, and a plot twist that will have the player both shocked and sad for the protagonist. While creating a connection for the player with the characters we interact with, the game also takes it back to the 17th century, when the Salam Witch trials began, throwing the player into one of history’s most brutal moments. Another School Trip: Just like any other Dark Pictures game we have the wonderful, and every so illustrious curator, like a friend welcoming us back home with tales of deceit, horror, and delight. Little Hope creates an immersive world that puts the players in the midst of the Salem Witch trials where we see the characters doubles accused of witchcraft. the story of this game created a fascinating narrative and built immersive tension around the story that makes a player's choices that much more valuable. Quick Time events, properly done scares that don't jump out at the player every five minutes makes the game more of a classic style horror game, creating a sense of panic and anticipation. Weird Mechanics and a Clever Twist: While this game is excellent in how it delivers a story and how the characters develop, the controls however are lacking and feel stiff when it comes to their movements. Moving the characters was like moving a doll in various positions, not fast, and created a slow experience. Not only the controls, but the dialogue at times felt like it was out of place, and again stiff in how it came across to the player (depending on how fast the player is in choosing the dialogue set or pressing buttons during a Quick Time event.) By the time the end of the game comes along I was in a state of shock, the ending of the game is a carefully crafted one, and it made me love the dark pictures games purely for the writing and how cleverly written the story is in how its approached. Creating mystery, suspense and of course an astute understanding of how fear works in a person’s mind. Some people want a slow burn to their horror that builds tension and heart palpitating nervousness.

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