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Writer's pictureArielle Danan

The nature of the beast, or should I say Vault Dweller...

Episode 4 took me by surprise at how many callbacks there were to the games and just how raw (emotionally) it was. From seeing more of how the Ghoul approached life, to Lucy FINALLY understanding that it's kill or be killed, this episode made for some emotional turns and has a bit more bite than the ones I've seen thus far.

Hey there, smooth skin The progression of the Fallout show tells me that slow burn is coming back in style with both direction and writing. In this episode, we're starting to see some horror elements from Vault 32, and hinting at secrets being unfolded. This episode also did not have Maximus in it and while at first I thought that was a tad strange, it was good to see more of the story of the vault and the progression of that timeline/story. it was a tradeoff that will cross my fingers hopefully pay off. Seeing the horror elements being brought to life with Norm and Chet exploring an abandoned Vault was one of the highlights of the episode. The immersive quality, and quick yet, steady pace were so well articulated and maneuvered, It is something the show does very well in that it captivates you so that it doesn't become a "background show" that you watch while doing the dishes or talking to someone, it actively engages you with the characters and what they're going through. The Ghoul and Lucy's relationship throughout this episode is one of attrition. Who can wear the other down the fastest, while maintaining sanity the longest. a few throwbacks just to mention that I thought were wonderfully placed were the line "smooth skin", a nickname that the Ghouls had in the Fallout games for those who were still human, and the rather sadistic placement of Codsworth, and an organ harvesting robot for hire. Awesome to see how organic the callbacks are, and how true to the games the show is staying. This episode emphasized Lucy's determination of the Golden Rule, and her wanting to see the best in quite evil situations, even in the Ghoul that tries to trade her in for life-saving drugs. I can't wait to see what's in store for episode 5.

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